Family Theater Games Class

Jump in to fun with our theater games class! In this class we will play improvisational games that help to create a strong foundation for young performers. The games foster, creativity, focus, strong communication and listening skills and a positive communal learning environment.
Did you know that Viola Spolin is the Mother of Improvisational Theater? Viola was amazing! To learn more about her click here
Tuesdays 5pm – 5:45pm
Starting in October
SeeĀ calendar for more details
Jewel Box Studio
2050 Santa Fe Ave
Long Beach, CA 90810
Scholarships are available and reserved for families who need financial assistance, and may otherwise not have access to extracurricular activities. Once all registrations are processed, we will reach out to let you know how much scholarship funding is available. Please note we may not be able to provide full scholarships to all applicants. For scholarship application please see the registration form below